Marine Plumbing and its Challenges in Cairns

marine plumbing

Boats rely on a variety of complex pumps and plumbing systems to stay running day to day. From installing marine toilets to maintaining hosing, piping and bilge systems, Intrust Group are the experts in marine plumbing sailors can rely on. Below we look at some of the key tasks involved in marine plumbing.

Installing Pumps

Marine plumbing relies on a range of pumps, including bilge, dosing, transfer, macerator, grinder, vortex and sump pumps. Here at Intrust Group, our team have extensive experience when it comes to installing and maintaining all fresh, salt, grey and black water pumping systems. All of our work is in accordance with regulatory standards. These pumps come in a multitude of variations and require a marine plumbing expert skilled in pump selection to ensure the right pump is installed for the appropriate application.

Maintaining Bilge Systems

The bilge system is a key component in any boat for ensuring the safety of the boat, its crew and the marine environment. Bilge water is the wastewater generated by various activities involved in keeping a boat running. A bilge system is essential for storing, treating and pumps this wastewater as it often contains concentrations of industrial fluids such as oil, coolant, fuel as well as other contaminants. 

Leaks in hosing and other components of a boat can lead to water seeping into the bilge well, risking a dangerous overflow situation. By getting regular inspections and routine maintenance of all marine plumbing systems by an experienced plumber Cairns vessels can prevent these issues in bilge systems.

General Marine Plumbing

Marine plumbers perform a wide range of other plumbing and pipefitting tasks onboard a boat. This can include performing electrical work when installing pumps or similar equipment, inspecting piping to ensure it meets safety standards and rerouting tubing away from walkways on deck and visible areas. This means a marine plumber must have extensive experience with plumbing as well as a thorough knowledge of mechanical and electrical marine systems.

This includes installing PVC and metallic piping through to high grade marine plumbing hose. Depending on its application, hosing has to withstand vacuum pressure, wide temperature ranges and poisonous gases and odours. No matter what hosing or piping is being used for, marine plumbing is no place to skimp on quality, both in terms of the quality of components and expertise of the plumber.

Experts in Marine Plumbing Cairns Boat Owners Can Trust

At Intrust Group, we have extensive experience providing marine plumbing services in Cairns and surrounding regions. We have performed black and grey water upgrades to Border Force Patrol Boats off Cairns and Darwin, and similar upgrades to Pacific Patrol Boat Vessels off Vanuatu, Palau, and the Cook Islands. For an expert marine plumber Cairns can trust, call today on 07 4049 2867 or contact us online.