How to Hire Qualified & Professional Plumbers in Cairns

Professional handyman or plumber in blue uniform is repairing installing water tap crane.

As a homeowner, you want to be sure that you are hiring a qualified and reliable plumber before allowing them into your home. There are few things worse than hiring and paying a tradesperson who then delivers substandard work. Read more from Intrust Group to find out what steps to take before choosing to hire a plumber.

Step 1: Establish the Problem

Firstly, try and locate the problem. You may need a plumber if it’s a burst pipe, a blocked drain, or a leaking tap. Once you have discovered what the issue is, you can decide whether you need to call on the services of a qualified plumber.

Step 2: Gather Quotes

The next step is to do your research and find out how different plumbers and plumbing companies charge. You want to find a contractor within your price range, but not too cheap as this would suggest that they are unreliable and may not be fully qualified.

Step 3: Research Your Options

Go to the plumber’s website and read some reviews and testimonials. See how long they have been in business and ask other people for recommendations and their past experiences. Some of the best advice comes from word of mouth, so talking to other people and getting their thoughts on who to hire for the job may be the quickest way to find someone reliable.

Step 4: Book Your Plumber

Once you have a rough idea of price and track record, it is time to book your plumber. Intrust Group has several of the most highly trusted plumbers Cairns has to offer. We are passionate about our job and have worked in the industry for years, constantly providing top quality plumbing services to all our clients.

Learn more about the best plumbers in Cairns and either contact Intrust Group online or call us on 07 4049 2867.